In Professional Sports, What System Is Used to Distribute New Talent Among All League Members?

                                            Salary Cap in Major League Baseball

            In order to proceed a competitive league all twelvemonth long, all teams must be in contention for making the playoffs. In order to ensure that every squad has an equal run a risk of building a successful team, each team should be able to spend the aforementioned corporeality of money. Right now in the MLB, there is no salary cap. This provides an unfair advantage for big market teams such as the New York Yankees, Boston Red Sox, and other rich teams. In social club to maintain a competitive league throughout the unabridged 162 game flavour, a bacon cap must be instituted in the MLB. Although there are many views and counterarguments to this, the reasons for having a salary cap overwhelm the reasons to not have one.

1.  Myth: The nearly common argument to non take a salary cap is that in the MLB, at that place is a luxury tax on teams that spend the about money. The amount taxed is evenly distributed among all of the other teams, making upward for the backlog coin that teams spend.

Fact: This may be true; however, the taxation is so light that information technology does non stop rich teams from spending backlog money on overpriced superstars. Also, it is evident that this system is clearly non working as in 2008 the New York Yankees spent over $209,000,000 on players, where every bit the Florida Marlins spend just $21,000,000[1]. To put such a figure in prospective, the Yankees pay their star third basemen, Alex Rodriguez, more coin than the Marlins pay their entire 25-man team.

            two. Myth: Teams that marketplace well and play well become more fans, rewarding them with income. Considering they are better in the concern attribute than other teams, these teams should be rewarded with being able to spend excess money on expensive players to better their team.

Fact: The foundation of this idea is seriously flawed. Although this might evidence successful for rich teams, it leaves the other teams dreadfully backside. Once a team starts to lose, fans become united nations-interested in the squad and stop showing upwardly. As this continues, the team cannot afford to spend money on high valued players, always leaving them equally one of the worst teams in the league. During a September day game concluding year, when the Marlins were completely out of the playoffs, just 600 fans showed upward to cheer on their Marlins[2] Likewise, getting fans to a game does not but happen because of a winning squad. Information technology happens because of the city that your team is in. Obviously, New York City has a larger population than Coral Gables, Florida where the marlins are located. In social club to create a competitive league, all teams must be involved and equal.

3. Myth: If there is a salary cap, player's value volition decrease significantly. For example, the Yankees will not be able to spend more on one histrion (Alex Rodriguez) than the entire marlins team combined. This could potentially cause the players to keep strike.

Fact: A strike in the MLB is no longer possible due to the deep minor league system. Now, each MLB squad has v minor league teams, each consisting of 25 well qualified players. At that place are more talented players in the game today than there ever has been. The game of baseball has grown globally, each year reaching out to more than countries, developing more professional talent. The puddle of players to choice from is gigantic. If MLB players proceed strike, at that place are certainly others to replace them. Certain, some big name all-stars could proceed strike, just as they exit the league, new, immature upcoming superstars emerge, and ane could debate that watching rookies, who hustle everywhere and give 110% everyday, is more entertaining than watching superstars walk around the baseball game field. If Alex Rodriguez is so selfish every bit to not play baseball if he simply makes around $12,000,000 per year with a bacon cap as opposed to $28,000,000, I practice not believe that many people would miss him. Also, with the players' value decreasing, the ticket prices will also decrease. At present, it costs effectually $l dollars for two fans to sit in the bleachers of an average MLB team. The fans are the people who drive the MLB market, and, if ticket prices go on to skyrocket due to no salary cap, the fans will terminate showing up to games. However, if a salary cap is put in place; lower ticket prices make it easier for everyone to see a game of their favorite team. Even though the ticket prices are lower, chances are that teams will brand the aforementioned amount of money because more people will nourish the games, spending more on concessions, souvenirs, and more than.

In lodge to keep a competitive league, all teams most be involved. The mode that the MLB is right at present, the teams that spend the well-nigh money always perform well because they can beget to buy the all-time players. On the other hand, the teams that do not have much money cease their playoff contention nearly a month into the year. This is not competition. In hockey, at that place is a bacon cap of $50,000,000 per team, and correct now, in the western briefing, the worst team (15/xv) has 21 wins this year; where every bit the fiveth best team (5/15) has 24 wins[3]. Apparently, fans will nonetheless come up to these games because their team has a chance to make the playoffs, even though they are in final place. Games are more exciting when they actually mean something. In order to accomplish exciting games for all teams, Major League Baseball game must institute a salary cap.

[iii]   (Data taken from February 3rd, 2009)


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